Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Day 5

Hey everyone! I am actually writing in Day 6 because I didn't have enough time yesterday, because of all my homework! So like I told you, I got a new teacher. I waited for her soften up but it didn't happen! last night she gave me 20 vocab words and a welcoming quiz on Wednesday! Anyway, besides her homework I also had a science and french quiz, and math homework. My tip for you guys is to stay on top of your homework, because it does add up! Sorry I didn't write much, but I am typing on my iPod Touch!!!
: (

Friday, September 11, 2009

It's Friday!

It's Friday! And I got through the week and so did you! Today at school everything was pretty good! As you guys know, I told you yesterday I would have to change my whole schedule would have to be changed! But the good news is I don't!!! I ended up only having to change my English teacher. Even though I don't like her very much, I am still positive that I still have most of my classes! So anyway, there wasn't much today that was going on other then the ginormous storm we had! Having to switch from building to building for classes wasn't very fun to do in the rain, but it was kind of cool! 

The last tip I am going to give you is to make sure you have atleast some bus friends, if you take the bus! It is very important to have someone to sit with and to even make sure you are in the right place! A bus buddy, makes a happy bus rider!

And for the 5th or 6th time:

If you have any questions, comments or even seeking some advice... please contact me at:


Have an awesome year!!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Day 3 and Day 2 Continued

Day Two and A Half

So yesterday you goys should of read my story about Mr. Johnston, and if you didn't make sure to read it before this! So after I leave computers I head to lunch and social studies and then pop! Comes French! Now the first day I came, French seemed awesome! Until she handed out a sheet with fifteen sentences that were like greek to me, or I should say french! Then she said something that freaked me out! We were having a quiz the next day!!! So here I am, already had a bad computer class, and now this! Turns out, I got put in an advanced French class BECAUSE THE SCHOOL MESSED IT UP!! So although I was angry at her reassurance that I would ace a French quiz, I was up for the challenge! (With a teeny weeny help from my mom!) So I got to work on a nifty site called: quizlet.com, where I created flash cards, and today young peoples, I aced my French quiz!!!!

Bonjour! So today was a mess of things! Turns out I left my lunch on the bus! So kids, make sure to put your food in your backpack or attach it to that sack of yours so you don't leave it on the bus! So sure being the kind people they were at school, everyone offered me something, but secretly I wasn't up for much but my Wawa roll, with basil, turkey, provolone, italian seasoning, and goat cheese! (Along with some chips and an Izze!) So because of the limited choices, I didn't have any other choice but to skip lunch! Of course I wanted to try and see if I could buy, and I could alright! You don't even want to know what I payed a dollar fifty for! "Here is your emergency lunch, nothing but the good stuff" said the lunch lady as she slapped down a piece of rubber bologna! (By the way that word bologna is really hard to spell and most people read it as: ba-log-na) So as I was saying, If you were me would you eat rubber bologna?? I don't think so!

So luckily today I didn't have computers, which was pretty much fine with me! But I did have two other classes, that were pretty good, although I would definitely trade Health for another day of art! First off we had a fun class called music lab! Because I didn't play a instrument in band or orchestra I had no choice other than to pick fro the above choices: (Or maybe beside I guess) General Music, Chorus, or Music Lab! In music lab you get to work with computers and music, which I love, without Bobby in the background! Apparently our assignment will be to create a song on Garage Band using musical elements! It seems fun, and a know biggy! So anyway the point is the class was great! The second differentiating class I took was health, which was definitely not bad, but I have to say kind of random, and weird in a way! (No questions asked.) So the last part of my day was French, which as you know I said some problems yesterday and I am pretty mad at this! Well, you know that I got placed in the advanced French class on accident because of the school and now I have a consequence! Because I cannot stay in Adv. French I will have to move to either intro french or intro spanish which are both at 9th period! Unfortunately that is the only time the class is offered and it is also the only time my teacher in ninth period teached the loved english! So now the counselor is making me change my whole schedule because the school had messed it up! Now I need your advice!

If you have any questions, comments or even seeking some advice... please contact me at:


Have an awesome year!!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Day Two

Heyy you guys!! So instead of focusing on the advice side of this blog, I am going to write a little bit about something that happened to me today. I love my classes, art is awesome, and I love going to Science, and even Pre-Algebra isn't too bad! But, there always has to be a mess up class, or a teacher you don't like, or even some annoying kid sitting in the back laughing at the fact that your teacher just said for everyone to sharpen their pencils! Every kid has this, and it is unfortunate but it happens! So I am having a great day, meeting some new kids, and even getting a few hugs! I have Pre-Algebra and then... boom, here comes the class of yesterday's unsureity. "Computer Class". Now normally I would be jumping for joy because I love technology but that isn't how it went for me. No.

How many of you have ever had a teacher named Mr. Johnston? How about a Mr. Johnston who is freakishly tall and likes to be strict and argue? Yah, thats him! But the teacher is the least bit of a problem. Although I have to look up high to his face and risk the fact that I may soon get a severe stern neck injury, that isn't what worries me much. So, Sara, Sara what is the problem you ask...

You remember that kid I described earlier, who laughed at dumb things, yah thats Bobby. His name is really not Bobby at all but I am going to use fake names you see, for I do not want to point out silly Bobby or hurt him, but lets continue on. So here is our six foot something teacher who is talking like he is on stage in front of a million people without a mic, when the class went a little bit like this:

"OKAY CLASS RULE NUMBER ONE, NO SLIDING IN THESE FUN WHEELY SEATS WE hahahahahaha haahahaha hah ahahaha hahahahahah hahahahaha hahahah hahahah hahhahahahah hahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahah hahahah ahahahahaha hahahah hahahah hahah hahahahaha hahah

Now I don't know about you but I think Bobby has a bit of a laughing a lot when not funny problem as you can see from the fine text. So of course those forty five minutes consisted on Bobby laughing at pointless and totally off the point stuff! Can't wait until technology actually starts wahooo.

To hear the rest of the story tune in tomorrow!

If you have any questions, comments or even seeking some advice... please contact me at:


Have an awesome year!!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Day One

Hey guys! I just finished my first day of 7th grade and boy is it crazy!!! The first tip I can hand out about being a middle schooler, is to have your schedule at all times! Because the teacher will sometimes mess up the classes or you might go to the wrong classes without it, bring one! Your schedule is your life line! Depending on your middle school you will also need a map! And most importantly, just relax and don't worry! When I started sixth grade, I was a nervous wreck! When all to find out it isn't such a big deal after a while! Anyway, day number one turned out great as long as I had my map, schedule, minty breath spray, and a smile!

*Tip- Try to pack lunch on the first day because you don't know what the lines are going to be like.

If you have any comments, questions, or even seeking advice please contact me at:


Good Luck tomorrow!!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Here it Comes

So as some of you maybe none of you know I write two blogs, this blog you are reading right now, and a summer blog. So now that the dreaded but anticipated school year is starting I had to quit my summer blog for this! Now don't leave just because it is summer, I will still write in my new blog very much, it is all part of the goal! For exactly one hundred and eight days I will be write a post every day, describing life living in seventh grade! You have to be careful, because you could get squished, as I have learned in past years! Hopefully I will make it through the grades and homework!! Anyway, starting September eighth get ready for a rocky ride! If you are a striving sixth grader, I will show you the ropes and help you handle tricky situations, and if your a fifth grader wondering what it takes to survive middle school, well you will find out! Enjoy, and write lots of comments, because I can help! School is really just a legal requirement!

If you have a question or comment, or even seeking some advice, please contact me a


BTW- MY summer blog is called, Anything Anything At All
Got to: aaa4short.blogspot.com